Hello world.

I'm now about to re-start this blog as I have two very interesting cases to rant about. Not sure whether writing in English is a good idea or not, but being I have a bunch of associates that don't know much about the Finnish and vice versa - almost everyone can read English, so I'll start with my second native language.


I have two subjects in mind at the moment that I'd like to write about. I've been through all sorts of mills in my life and I've discovered some interesting things:

First, you never -ever- trust someone who wants your money - or wants to give you money - at first sight.

Second, I seem to enjoy cooking and growing tomatoes and herbs in our apartment. My fiancee doesn't quite approve this as the tomato pots take up quite a lot floor space.

Third, investing in publicly traded stocks is by my experience a crime punishable by law in Finland, if you're a private citizen.

Fourth, I've ran in to many sorts of scams and bullshit attempts in my life - I've even fallen for one which cost my previous employer a precious 60 euros. Just recently I almost fell victim to a hundredfold attempt at bullshitting me with false promises and well made background. This is the main reason I'm now writing BS of my own.

Fifth, there's some really cool people who dance acrobatic Rock'n'Roll that I have the priviledge of knowing.

Sixth, in Finland we have a business that is based on leaving bills to the car windshields, claiming that you have made a deal to pay them a set amount of the precious euros. Mind you, I don't refer to fines you get from meter maids.

Seventh, I just love new technology. Its a family trait.
